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Baptism is the wedding ring of faith.  It's the public symbol that declares to the rest of the world that we are dedicating our lives to Jesus. 

Baptisms from May 2021

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Have you ever wondered why churches dunk people under the water and call it worship? Pastor John explores the meaning of this Christian practice to answer the "why" of baptism.

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Learn more about having a relationship with Jesus and the practice of baptism at Trailhead through this PDF.

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What about children's baptisms?

At Trailhead, we practice something called "believer's baptism."  That means that we do not baptize children until they have decided on their own that they want to follow Jesus.  We believe that there is an age of accountability where children become responsible for their own beliefs and actions.  While this level of maturity may be reached faster for some children than others, we want children to believe in Jesus and understand what they are doing prior to getting baptized. 

Child Dedications

For infants and other young children, we offer child dedications.  This allows parents to come before the church and dedicate their children to God, proclaiming that they want to raise their child in the ways of Jesus.  Then, the church community affirms that it will do everything it can to support the parents through the process of raising the child in this way.  Finally, there is a prayer of blessing over the children and parents by one of the pastors.

Interested in dedicating your child at Trailhead?

Please fill out the short form and hit send below to begin the coversation.

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